6 Different Ways To Clean A Real Leather Bag — The Handmade Store Skip to content
6 Different Ways To Clean A Real Leather Bag - The Handmade Store

6 Different Ways To Clean A Real Leather Bag

Leather bags are designed to stand for a long time. And to know exactly how to clean them is an important lifehack. To know how to maintain a leather bag is very easy. Let’s face it we all cant have unlimited funds like a young thug or Lil baby for leather shopping sprees.

We are here to answer all of your questions regarding leather bag cleaning. Our leather experts have gathered this impeccable data throughout the years of their experience in the leather industry.

We are going answer to every question, from stain cleaning to overall maintenance of your leather bag. Let’s dive straight into it.

6 Ways To Clean Real Leather Bags At Home

1. Trick 1 - How to remove stains from a leather bag?

Stained leather good does not look very pretty. Always try to wipe those stains off as soon as possible. Always try to remove stains within an hour or so. If the stain is oily you can use any mild talcum powder to dry out the stain so then you can take action upon it.

To remove the stains without harming your leather good you can follow these steps :

Things that are required:

  1. Spray bottle
  2. Filtered water
  3. White vinegar
  4. Dry towel
  5. Pocket tissues

Simply mix white vinegar and filtered water in a spray bottle. Don’t make the solution very hard. The solution should be mild enough so that it does not harm your bag.

Then blot the solution over the stain and wipe it off with a dry towel. Then spray normal water to make sure there isn’t any vinegar left on the bag. Use a pocket tissue to dry out the surface evenly.

2. Trick 2 - How to clean dry stains from real leather bags?

Cleaning Real Leather Bags

Leather is an absorbent material. Leather has the ability to soak everything that it comes in contact with. Instances like oil spills or perfume spills may take place.

Nonetheless, this implies they are exceptionally spongy. As packs are utilized outside and inside, they are inclined to come into contact with normal fluids, for example, water, drinks, scent spills, and, in all honesty, hair colors.

Things that are required

  1. Soft brush
  2. Mild soap solution
  3. Spray bottle
  4. Ear swabs
  5. Tissues

Step 1, spray the mild soap solution on your stained area.

Step 2, then gently rub the stain off with your brush, keep in mind, only move your brush in one direction.

Step 3, take a towel and gently wipe the soap off.

Step 4, take tissues and make sure there’s no soap left on the leather.

3. Trick 3 - The return of the oily and dry stains

(one-stop solution)

Since we were unaware that these stains can return. You need to diminish them before they spoil your bag that is home to your essentials.

  1. Soft brush
  2. Mild soap solution
  3. Spray bottle
  4. Tissues

Start by spattering the stained area as soon as possible with a clean, dry cloth or towel. You want to absorb as much of the liquid as possible.

Once you have removed the redundant liquid, you should also spot the stained area with a damp cloth or towel using warm water only.

Start at the outside of the stain and work inwards. This will stop the stain from spreading outwards.

As ahead, you should also do to dab the stained area with a dry cloth or towel to absorb any left-over water or cleanser.

No way rub the stained area as this can beget the stain to spread.

Your bag is ready to dry in a warm room. Don't apply heat directly to the stained area as this can set the stain.

Read More: What type of leather is best for leather bags?

4. Trick 4 - The Nail Polish Trick

This is a great way to get relief from essay stains and clangs. Dip a cotton tar in nail polish way or rubbing alcohol and smoothly spot the stain. Don’t rub or you could make the essay spread. Spot gently until the stain is gone. Wipe with a clean, damp cloth and dry with a kerchief.

5. Trick 5 - The Baking Soda Trick

Cleaning Genuine Leather Bag

To clean canvas or grease stains, sprinkle incinerating pop or cornstarch on the stain. Rub it in gently with a damp cloth. Let sit for many hours or overnight. The pop or bounce will absorb the canvas. Wipe off the grease paint with a soft cloth.

6. Trick 6 - The Baby Shampoo Trick

Take a few drops of baby shampoo, as baby shampoos very mild you can easily use it to clean leather bags. Leather goes very well with mild soaps. This trick will only work if the stain is completely new.

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Author Bio

Seo Singh, AKA Karan Singh, is a Podcaster, Content Marketer, and SEO Consultant with 10+ years of experience. He is also an expert in Leather, Vintage Home Decor and owns various e-commerce stores in such sectors.

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